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Larry Sir

  Larry Sir 擁有超過十年英語教學經驗,曾於不同中學及大專院校執教,熟識各類課程及公開考試,深明學生的學習優短處並加以改善。曾負笈美英澳加等海外大學機構,了解海外最創新的教學方法,以輕鬆的教學手法讓英語生活化,取代坊間一般以死做死背的讀書模式。Larry sir 操標準”RP”英倫口音,非一般本地導師可比擬,讓學生無時無刻置身於英倫學府環境中學習。

Mr. Fielding

  Mr.Fielding曾於波特蘭州立大學修讀公開演講,創意寫作,文學和語法課程,及後於莎凡那藝術與設計學院選讀攝影藝術。Mr.Fielding有五年多的教學經驗,於香港及亞洲不同國家教導學生及培訓導師,教授他們說話及公開演講的技巧。Mr. FIelding 一直致力帶動每一個學生的學術成長,提升學生對英語的運用及興趣。


Tutors Introduction


Larry Sir

Possessing over 10-year teaching experience in secondary and tertiary institutes, Larry Sir is familiar with syllabus in a range of curricula and public examinations and hence understands local students’ strengths and weaknesses to improve their performance. Learned in overseas tertiary institutes, Larry Sir has familiarized with the latest pedagogies of interacting and scaffolding with the aid of vivid live English instead of rote learning which devastates students’ learning interest and outcome. Also, he has developed native Queen’s English accent which benefits students of a British English academic place to practice oral and listening skills.

